Paint the Holy Cow
Namaste - Welcome : I Bow To The Divine Within You


It is not important to try to do these instructions perfectly; hopefully our actions and surrender will take us to a place that has some elements of perfection. Try these techniques and then play with them, be creative let your own truths come forward. In the beginning when these techniques begin to arise in me, my goal was to meditate and do sadhana (spiritual practice) till I came to the experience of perfect love, perfect peace and loss of desires.

My understanding is that freedom from the environment may not be samadhi  or nirvana but is still an attainment that most people do not have control over or possess. When we arise in the morning and take care of our natural needs, then do meditation and sadhana before anything else [reading, radio, t.v., eating, exercising, sex, talking, hatha yoga, listening to music, etc] and attain a state of perfect love, peace, and inspiration, then you could say that we have just created a high state of being from our inner being.

In the beginning it would sometimes take me up several hours to attain this state as the years went by it became much less.

For some there are elements of self-mastery that are necessary to acquire, may we learn to sail our own ship.


    Make a sound with your lips closed

      Make a sound and feel the vibrations, from where does it come from and from what point in our body does it start?

      Some would say it begins in the throat others the chest or the head.

      Start by making a sound in the center of your being, inhale and hold your breath, close your lips while making the sound, who makes this decision and what dynamic exist between this being and the action taken?

      Play animation of Illustration 1

      Again and again make this sound, try to start and visualize and feel the vibrations everywhere [toes, forehead, heart, stomach, hands, etc].

      Play with it, be creative.

      Make a sound in your head, try to push and visualize it to your entire body.

      Play animation of Illustration 2

      Next choose a different part of your body, make a sound and push and visualize it in all directions equally, filling the entire body. Experiment with your breath, sometimes inhaling and holding the breath briefly before talking an action aids one in being able to focus on the task at hand.

      Now start the sound in all of the parts of your body. Sound and voice give us the ability to cultivate our desire to be devoted to the truth.

      Some of the fastest and deepest results in our meditations come from our ability to put more love, sweetness and feelings of devotion into our sounds and voice.

      Now do the same with the lips open, let your sound move towards your voice and chanting.

      Be creative, play with it.

      At this time if you choose to, we can experiment with repeating sacred words and or mantras, use them creatively, say them in all parts of your body (see Glossary for mantras and interpretation). Play with it, be creative.

Awareness / Pure Mind

      Mind is the blue sky and thoughts are the clouds, when the clouds disappear then pure mind remains, in this work Pure Mind and Awareness are the same.

      When we are able to have fewer thoughts then we can devote more time and energy to discover and merge with the great realities within our own inner being.

      There are different realms of thinking; in our common environment our thoughts may normally be uneventful and therefore not helpful in our process of liberation. In the realm of [sadhana / spiritual practice ] sometimes the thoughts that arise out of our meditations can sometimes be very enlightening and be sources of guidance. We move forward from the place where we start. In the beginning most will not experience thoughtlessness for any great length of time, but there are many other benefits to be experienced. One of the general rules in meditation is, thoughts that are not revealing or progressive should be let go of and the focus should be directed back to the original goal or focus.

      Now we breathe in and hold our breath briefly, and let our thoughts dissipate and begin to watch and examine this dynamic in our head, it is a presence, it witnesses all, and it is untouched by this world. Put your hand on your face, the part of yourself that experiences the touch but does not feel any sensation is your awareness.

      Now breathe in and hold your breath briefly, examine your awareness and let go. Next breathe in, hold your breath, connect to your awareness and exhale, pushing and visualizing this awareness filling your whole body.
      Do this several times and then take a break for a small number of breaths and repeat. Push and fill your whole body with your awareness, from the top of your head down and the neck and shoulders, arms, chest, hands, stomach, thighs, sex organs, legs, feet and toes, then on the inhale bring the awareness back to the center of the head. Do this several times.

      Play animation of Illustration 3

      Next put your hands in Chin Mudra , inhale and hold your breath, focus on the dynamic in the center of your head. Now exhale and push and visualize your awareness down your arms into your hands and Chin Mudra, try to set your awareness into the space and sensation between your thumbs and forefinger. Do this several times.

      Play animation of Illustration 4

      Next after having pushed and placed your awareness into your Chin Mudra on the exhale, visualize on the inhale that your are pulling your hands in chin Mudra up into the center of your head with the forefinger and thumb at the point of your awareness. Hold your breath on the exhale visualize pushing your arms and hands back to there resting place on your knees, try to keep you awareness in Chin Mudra throughout the whole exercise.

      One common experience is that the hands become heavy, warm, vibrate and etc.

      Play with it, be creative

      Play animation of Illustration 5

      Next inhale and focus on your awareness in your head, exhale and push and visualize pushing your awareness into your chest area [heart]

      Play animation of Illustration 6

      Do this again but after pushing your awareness into your heart, try bringing it back to your head. Then connect the awareness in your head to the dynamic in your heart an then connect these to chin mudra.

      Play animation of Illustration 7


      Visualize putting a Sacred Circle around your head and heart expand the circle and then contract it to nothing and then expand and making it huge.

      Play animation of Illustration 8


      Next place and visualize the sacred circle around yourself, try to make and let all experiences and sensations be equally distributed in the circle. To make changes use the breath, inhale or exhale, you can expand or condense the circle, try to make the circle smaller into nothing, make all the contents disappear, then reappear expand to huge and back to normal.

      Play with it, be creative.

      Play animation of Illustration 9


      This work treats all feelings, emotions, [despair, sorrow, hate, love, compassion, bliss, etc,] as the same.
      After we have done some of the above [sacred circle] and have reached some depth in our meditation we can locate where our feeling is, perhaps in the face or maybe the right calf or perhaps the center chest [etc] where some think it's home is. At this point we apply the technique with the sacred circle buy placing it around the feeling, doing the same expanding and condensing and in the end trying to move it to the head and heart area, in the end we will attempt to merge our feelings, awareness, dynamic of light, chin mudra and vibration together.

      Play animation of Illustration 10


      The experience of light while we meditate can be put into the categories / Course and Refined. Many have pictures or visions perhaps flashes etc, as always the question is, what is their source and from where do they arise from. There is a primordial reality that is the source, it is always present within us and without of us, it is a pulsating, vibrating, light emitting dynamic. Try and experience this light and vibratory reality, all things vibrate in a similar way, try to blend in to everything, let yourself experience this in all parts of your body. When we experience this, then we can apply the Sacred Circle principles to this light and vibration. Place the sacred circle around this dynamic, expand and condense using the breath. Again we will attempt to merge all of this together equally.

      Play animation of Illustration 11

      May the entirety of our experiences be equally distributed within the sacred circle. May the awareness of the circle and our body disappear, may we become lost in our own inner Self.

      Play animation of Illustration 12


      If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at




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