A young child sees a happy toad
A young child sees a snake
The snake swallows the happy toad You can see the lumped outline of the toad’s body in the snake’s belly
The young child sees his father with a hoe
The young child sees his father cut the snake in half with the hoe
The happy toad hops away
Perhaps the general understanding of evolution fits into the framework of liberation, at least at some of the basic levels.
People with dysfunctional habits are liberated when they find ways to kick these habits.
As is the case with me as a drug addict and alcoholic.
The basic esoteric perspective that we are all in prison is a good place to start.
If we are of spirit nature and then incarnate into a human body how could this not be likened to being in prison? In our world, to have a body is to have an ego and all the smallness that goes with it.
I have had an intellectual awareness of the generally dismal condition of human beings for almost 40 years, but it was not till I had deep conscious experiences that I was enormously moved to escape.
So I think we have to look at this relative to each person’s level in the general schema of things, few of us well be self-realized, enlightened, or reach nirvana soon, but it is possible that sadhana could produce some wonderful lesser results.
Such as one being free of the general influence of the body and the immediate environment. One learns in sadhana to create a place of perfect love, perfect peace, and desirelessness in an environment of equanimity.
This is freedom from the need to have the outside world validate us or make us happy.