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Meditation Symbol From NityanandaOf all techniques meditation is probably the most widely used on this planet. It also is the most natural, we already do something like it every night. We create the right mindset to fall asleep, such as counting sheep, thinking about things that relax us, not thinking, etc. With this method our goal is to fall asleep, for rest, hopefully when we wake up we will feel restored and satisfied. You could say this is about giving up control.

With meditation it is pretty much the opposite. It is about taking control, taking actions that produce the desired state, and in the end becoming awakened to life's realities.

Meditation in the highest is pursuing truth, reality, soul, self, god, etc.

Meditation begins with focus. The greater our ability to focus on something the greater our ability to see it, be it, feel it, sense it, merge with it and know union with it (Yoga).

With the general technique of meditation there are many sub-techniques (watching the breath, focusing on a meditation symbol, chanting mantras, focusing on thoughts, feelings, sensations, visualizations, merging energies, puja, self inquiry, and surrender).

There is a scintillating, pulsating, vibrating reality within and without us, may we know it.

It has been my observation of others as well as my own experience that meditation at the deeper, more progressed levels is one of the greatest medicines for humankind and for an individual on a body, emotion, mind and spirit level.

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