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Do Not Be

Even though this one
Has stood by you
And layed with you
In the most trying of times

When your end comes near
He will flee
And disappear

'Attempting To Go Beyond Sublimation' - by Nick Applebee (click for larger image)
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If the human body becomes the basis and foundation of the ego, then one could say that the ego is the basis and foundation of Maya (illusion) at some level.

Perhaps we could conclude that the inner self then would be the obvious example of reality.

Our experiential path as young ones is guided by the inherited physical (ancestors) and the inherited cosmic (karma), and our early environment and the people in it.

The majority of stimuli are processed in the body environment of thoughts, feelings, sensations and instincts. From the human perspective one could say that everything is filtered and secondhand, that therefore we have no real or original experience for most of our lives.

Isn’t it interesting how much we as humans are moved by birth and death? Perhaps these two events hold the keys to the mysteries of ego and self.

As we leave the early environment the educational technique is intensified. We are introduced to the first levels of fundamentalism, a mindset where doctrine is considered as a basis of reality, where the more doctrine one possesses the greater their wisdom and authority. This sets the stage for the acquisition of power and prestige. Then comes the next wave of our demise; we are in this sad predicament which is as they say “the blind leading the blind.” We are taught by teachers who do not know the truth!

Just guess what the next subject is? Belief systems 101? Belief systems have no basis in reality, they are used to pacify one in trying times, they are the dynamic that is referred to when we disagree and/or fight a war.

We are taught to take from this pool of pus (information that is all filtered and secondhand), and believe in it with a vigorous pride.

There is an Indian saying, “In the beginning God gives us a mantra, Hamsa (I Am That), soon after the elements of our environment give us a mantra, I am my body.”

There is a popular term, synergism. I can think of no better place for it to be understood than the arena of organizational ego. When two or more of us come together for a common cause, then we have organization. When we inflate it with beliefs, fundamentalism, patriotism, nationalism, religion, etc., then this is a perfect example of synergism and organizational ego. This gives our ego an outlet, a place to sublimate and progress.

If the content of our ideals arises from ignorance, then more than likely the effects of our work will be negative. If our ideals are pure, but our actions are negative, then the results will be tainted.

Our established mindset is when we are influenced by coarse stimuli then the progressive response is to sublimate this stimuli into a higher action (art, spirituality, human service, etc.). The question is, does this sublimation bring liberation to us and our society?

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