Sadhana In The City
O Shiva beckons me
nature is here
the crow caws
it calls me near
I am in the city
where the flora and fauna
crawl on my body and on the walls
of my dwelling
Where sub-atomic particles
and wee beasties
travel in my bones, organs and blood
They are the inhabitants
that study the heavens of my being
and the darkness and the depths of my bowels
O I Am
in the city and Sadhana
oft in the distance
Shiva murmurs in the roar
of a motorcycle
When I enter the
Sacred Cave
there will be few memories
of those who were close by
and who will wait for me till
I return
I have fallen into the heart
of nature
and entered the sanctuary
of the sacred and profound
Here I will take off the garments
of all these things called me
I will lay them on the ground
and prostrate myself to one
I will sing glories to the
because this is truly where
Sadhana abounds
And in the end
I will lament because I must return to you
the city
where I live
But I will always look forward
to the place
where Sadhana truly abounds